4 Computer Vision Applications for Industrial Manufacturing
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May 29, 2024
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4 Computer Vision Applications for Industrial Manufacturing

Computer vision AI cameras, also known as AI-powered IoT cameras, are already in use in a diverse set of industries.

Computer vision AI cameras, also known as AI-powered IoT cameras, are already in use in a diverse set of industries. These span retail, logistics, transportation, event management, and agriculture. In industrial settings such as on the shop floor, computer vision systems are not just about security and surveillance. On top of that, smart vision offers unparalleled insight into operations and track efficiencies when implemented in Industry 4.0 contexts. Further still, when combined with edge-based artificial intelligence and machine learning models, smart camera solutions make it possible to build a variety of computer vision AI use cases using analytics and decision-making in real time. In what follows, we show why computer vision applications matter and sketch out some of the possibilities.

Predictive Maintenance to Improve Shop Floor Operations

IoT-based smart cameras provide a bird-eye view of every aspect of industrial operations. Smart vision solutions are used to monitor the condition of machines and the way equipment is maintained via visual inspection coupled with image classification algorithms. But smart cameras, for example, also provide reliable information on employees’ access history to certain devices, and a machine learning algorithm is able to predict safety breach events based on the visual input.

In an industrial setting, IoT cameras can be installed even within especially sensitive equipment pieces for defect detection. Here, machine vision is used to process the visual data and image segmentation algorithms are optimised to identify outliers. Object recognition is another image processing technique that can bring transparency to the shop floor in identifying and localising industrial assets and tracing processes without causing disruption.

This way, computer vision offers first-hand information on mission-critical actions and assists in AI-driven predictive maintenance efforts. So let’s have a look at some typical computer vision projects that highlight the combined powers of computer vision and IoT.

AI-powered Work Hazard Protection for Employees and Machines

Object detection and tracking human motion across the machine halls are making it easier to predict where an incident might happen. And thanks to deep learning algorithms, AI-powered IoT cameras can now go one step beyond monitoring their environments by taking on a preventive role.

This way, machines, industrial equipment, manufactured goods, and the constant flow of staff on the shop floor will operate in an environment that allows them to move freely while precluding any unnecessary risks. AI vision can detect missing safety masks or other security equipment such as hard hats. An IoT smart camera can even send out alerts to prevent accidents in the first place.

Asset Tracking and Inventory Management

Computer vision technology effectively empowers manufacturers to learn more about asset behavior, improve or scale processes, and find out where to automate. IoT cameras can help with asset tracking on the shop floor and across locations. AI-enabled cameras also do well in inventory management thanks to object detection and counter apps. Further, vision AI prevents outliers and helps identify items that seem misplaced or malfunctioning.

But this computer vision application doesn’t stop just there. With license plate detection, the inventory can even be tracked through the arrival and departure of vehicles. The visual information lowers the accident risk and helps to automate the process even further when combined with access management and logistics.

Crowd Management in Sensitive Areas

Tracking people along production lines and looking into staff movements on the shop floor, especially close to sensitive areas, are indispensable in industrial manufacturing where safety is written large. This includes access management to certain areas as well as crowd control in crowded places. This is where computer vision AI, a special case of edge AI, comes in.

Crowd management during concerts or large sports events is where IoT cameras can truly excel. A computer vision system isn’t just about simple video surveillance with a bit of image recognition on top but about deriving AI-driven smart actions based on sophisticated and robust computer vision algorithms. Multiple vision AI cameras at strategic locations can ultimately prevent incidents and improve visitor experience. Deep learning models packaged as IoT apps and installed on smart cameras across a sensitive area can make all the difference when it comes to ensuring that an event is taking place in a safe environment.

Smart Camera Solutions with IoT Apps

The key here is AI-driven video analytics powered by IoT apps. Smart apps installed on cameras can serve a wealth of use cases for computer vision AI. They trigger smart actions when and where they are needed. This means tapping into unforeseen business opportunities and unlocking unprecedented ways to streamline logistics, manufacturing, or people management operations.

With our app store and the platform’s IoT app development environment, you build, test, and deploy apps on multiple connected cameras. Get in touch for IoT and computer vision projects.

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