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The IoT studio for every industrial use case

Monitor worker safety on construction sites with computer vision apps

Worker Safety with Smart Vision

Automated hard hat detection improves the safety of workers in production facilities.

Add custom computer vision functions to your AMRs in intra logistics

AV Remote Control

Provides remote access to mechanics and securely control AVs such as the MiR 200 from anywhere in the world.

Monitoring industrial pipes, pumps and drives

Pump Monitoring Dashboard

Remotely monitors pump efficiency in factory systems to avoid downtime, increasing the sustainable and profitable uptime.

Monitor your plant growth with computer vision and soil metering at the same time

Optimising Plant Growth with Edge Data Processing

Real-time data processing from moisture sensors helps with saving resources and increasing yields in agriculture.

Use state-of-the-art  secure remote access solutions to maintain your machines remotely with or without VPN

Remote Software Updates as After-Sales Service

Provide remote software updates to you clients as an after-sales service. Over-the-air updates deliver bug fixes and multiple additional features.

Monitor fill levels of liquids or loose material of any kind with custom sensors and apps

Smart Water Metering Solution

Real-time data processing for faster reaction times prevents critical fill levels and potential water contamination.

Traffic monitoring with computer vision. Count and classify vehicles, detect license plates and collect historical data.

Automotive Smart Camera Solution

Interactive camera application for selective object recognition. Real-time object count in predefined areas of the video frame.

Create custom condition monitoring solutions for your machines. Create Alarms and notifications

Self-activating Technician Alarm

Predictive maintenance for the manufacturing industry. Monitoring vibration and temperature of critical components to avoid machine failure.

Implement global asset tracking solutions with your custom apps.

Logistics Asset Tracking

Monitor and document the delivery and production route of assets for more streamlined process planning, using high-precision GPS sensors.

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